Danno’s Escape (2021) is a short film in production by John Marshe and directed by Mihaly Szabados (“Mishy” ) award winning film director.
Danno Viniti (John Marshe) is a 45 year old undercover cop who is in deep with a notorious biker gang. Danno has been working hard in an effort to take down gang boss and drug lord, Joe Cinato (Flint Eagle). Over the course of 3 months undercover Danno has not been able to see his wife Anna or 6 year old daughter Lily Viniti (Amelia Makepace) out of fear his cover might get blown and put the lives of his family in jeopardy. With sheer determination Danno fights the feeling of guilt as he goes as far as taking on a gang lover named Tina Bassett (Elizabeth Kempt) in an effort to ensure his cover is not blown.
Danno must escape the gang to be reunited with his family before Anna (Jane Spence) leaves him and takes his daughter away. Everything Danno loves is at stake. Will Danno escape from the gang or will he take down drug lord and gang boss, Joe, once and for all? Subscribe to our YouTube account to see future releases.
- Danno Viniti – John Marshe
- Anna Viniti – Jane Spence
- Joe Cinato – Flint Eagle
- Ross Heinrich – Yvette McKoy
- Lily Viniti – Amelia Makepace
- Tina Bassett – Elizabeth Kempt
- Wrench – Maria Raia
- Biker Gang – Southern Cruisers
- Director – Mihaly Szabados
- Producer – John Marshe
- Cinematographer – Zachary Ristivojevic
- Sound Effects – Zsolt Nadasdy